The world seems crazy. Fact. But . . . the world has always been crazy. In different ways, for different reasons, but crazy. And the more we focus on the ‘crazy’ the less happy we are. The more anxious we are. The more helpless and depressed we feel. You get the idea.
And then, someone you love walks into the room. Make your list – husband, wife, daughter, son, granddaughter, grandson, best friend, mom, dad. The list can literally go on and on. When someone on your ‘love list’ walks into the room/your life the ‘crazy’ melts away.
Trust me when I share with you that during the entire time Diane and I spent at Mark and Lisa’s wedding we never gave the crazy world a thought. We were surrounded by love. Lisa and Mark. Their families and friends. Hours of pure love. Reminding me of the James Taylor song Diane and I picked for our wedding song:
“How sweet it is to be loved by you.”
And sweet it is. And loving and joyful. Not at all like the crazy world around us. Love.
Please allow us to serve you and those you love.
Thank you,
P.S. Turn off the ‘crazy’. Spend more time with everyone you love. It will sweeten your life.