If you have visited our More than Money World Headquarters – in the Holy Lands between Bethlehem and Nazareth – then you’ve seen a small portion of my library. We have cases of book in most every room. And if you’re wondering – I’ve read more than 90% of them.
I believe with all my heart that my love of reading allowed me to make the journey from a young boy growing up in the country with little or no ‘advantages’ to what some would say is a business success. What I would say is incredibly blessed. I was inspired then and now by amazing people – most of whom I never met. Their lives, their thoughts, their guidance gave me all the advantages I needed to build quite a wonderful life. And my story – in America – is not unusual. It’s stuff of the ‘American Dream’. Available to anyone willing to read.
Gene Roddenberry, television screenwriter and creator of Star Trek:
“I consider reading the greatest bargain in the world. A shelf of books is a shelf of many lives and ideas and imaginations which the reader can enjoy whenever he wishes and as often as he wishes. Instead of experiencing just one life, the book-lover can experience hundreds or even thousands of lives. He can live any kind of adventure in the world. Books are his time machine into the past and also into the future. Books are his “transporter” by which he can beam instantly to any part of the universe and explore what he finds there. Books are an instrument by which he can become any person for a while—a man, a woman, a child, a general, a farmer, a detective, a king, a doctor, anyone.
Great books are especially valuable because a great book often contains within its covers the wisdom of a man or woman’s whole lifetime.”
Encourage every young person you know to put down their phones and pick up a book. You might very well spark the next American Dream.
Please allow us to serve you and those you love.
Thank you,