We’ve created an archive of our previous shows so that you won’t miss a single second of helpful financial information from Gene Dickison and his guests.
Gene and Alyssa answer questions: He asks how and when a financial advisor informs their advisor of fee payments? She asks what waiver amount her widowed mom will receive when…... Listen Now
Gene and Alyssa answer questions: He is recently retired and (understandably) concerned about the stock market? His daughter battles addition. How can his estate plan protect her from herself? She…... Listen Now
Gene and Alyssa answer questions: She and her brother own a rental property together. What happens when one passes? She asks if she can work with a financial advisory and…... Listen Now
Gene and Alyssa answer questions: He asks if he can contribute stock into an IRA? They gave a gift to their grandson. Their son ended up paying the tax. Is…... Listen Now
Gene and Alyssa answer questions: TurboTax gave him the wrong tax calculation until they fixed the program! He asks if he can use QCDs and also deduct those contributions? (Sorry…... Listen Now
Gene and Alyssa answer questions: She asks how to handle life insurance policies with grandkids as the beneficiaries? She asks how to handle funds for her brother who is institutionalized?…... Listen Now
Gene and Alyssa answer questions: He offers facts about the very first Super Bowl that were quite fascinating! He asks how to transfer the family home from his mom to…... Listen Now
Gene and Alyssa answer questions: He offers insight into the viability of hydrogen as fuel to power cars. He asks if his Home Owners’ Association can invest their capital away…... Listen Now
Gene and Alyssa answer questions: He asks how to sell stock with large capital gains and not pay income tax? He asks how much we know about unemployment compensation? (Spoiler…... Listen Now
Gene and Alyssa answer questions: She asks how long she should keep her income tax records? They ask how much they can contribute to the Roth IRAs based on his…... Listen Now