Catch Up on What You Might Have Missed

We’ve created an archive of our previous shows so that you won’t miss a single second of helpful financial information from Gene Dickison and his guests.

Check Out Our Latest Episodes Here:

January 27, 2024 – Hear Gene’s Advice to Fathers Wanting to Help Their Daughters – Grant Cardone says real estate is safer than a savings account.  What?!?! – Lots of questions around the topic of Special Needs Trusts

Gene and Alyssa answer lots of listener questions: Is it possible for grandmother to help her grandchildren become millionaires? She has done amazingly well, but at age 71 she now…... Listen Now

January 20, 2024 – Listener is Extremely Disappointed in Gene – in the nicest way possible – Ken Fisher is very wealthy, but some experts says he’s not acting as a fiduciary! – Is there a resource that compares care facilities?

Gene and Alyssa answer lots of listener questions: Social Security offered him a lump sum with a lower monthly benefit.  Good idea? How does he know what taxes to withhold…... Listen Now

January 13, 2024 – Bitcoin ETFs – Yes or No? – Presidential Election Primaries Begin! – Gene Applies for Social Security – Excellent Experience!

Gene and Alyssa answer a few listener questions, but mostly say thank you over and over: Are there some things he should know about buying a new truck? Is he…... Listen Now

January 6, 2023 – Happy New Year!  What ways can you protect your investments in 2024? – December jobs report quite good at 216,000 added jobs – California sees $68 Billion deficit as financial policies continue to sink that state

Gene and Alyssa answer a few listener questions, but mostly say thank you over and over: He needs to understand how income funds can produce dividends, but do so poorly…... Listen Now

December 30, 2023 – Happy New Year! Let’s Make 2024 a Great Year from Start to Finish! – What does ‘poo poo ka ka’ mean and is really translated from Yiddish? – What are the very best stock mutual funds for you in 2024 (trick question)?

Gene and Alyssa answer a few listener questions, but mostly say thank you over and over: Mom’s 7 year annuity matures in February.  What should she do next? He’s married,…... Listen Now

December 23, 2023 – Merry Christmas! – The gift of salvation is needed now more than ever! – Watch Gene’s favorite ‘A Christmas Carol’!

Gene and Alyssa answer a few listener questions, but mostly say thank you over and over: How does he find a quality advisor for a friend who lives out of…... Listen Now

December 16, 2023 – Stock Market History – 2023 Tax Return Preparations – Retirement Plan Changes in 2024 & More

Alyssa Young is your host this morning. She shares historical stats about stock market performance—including average returns before and after presidential elections—and lots of information to prepare you for your…... Listen Now

December 2, 2023 – Drive Around Christmas! – You Emptied My Wallet! – Almost $8,000 for the Children’s Home!

Gene and Alyssa answer a few listener questions, but mostly say thank you over and over: How does she elect her inherited Roth IRA distributions by the deadline? Should he…... Listen Now